Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Progress on the Walkman Project

Here's my current progress on my Walkman. I created a slider for the side of it, and my next goal is to finish that gray side and the rest of the box part.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Baking the Normal Map and Fixing the Normal Map

Image result for "do not" sign

I couldn't get the mesh from the exported 3ds Max file to show in Substance Painter. When I tried to import it as a new file, it said it couldn't import the scene properly, so I think there's an error with my exported mesh.

Exporting the Model

I now know how to export the model. I had to export it twice, but the second time I named the mesh SM_LP_Mesh_Cage so that we know the difference between the high and low poly mesh.

Attahcing the Mesh Back Together

The whole mesh of the is uv mapped and attached ready to be pieced like a puzzle into a low poly robot.